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Released on . Added in Simulation Games

A crew of players experience the tense atmosphere of a WW2 U-boat, manning the stations in this realistic co-op simulation game. Several crews may play together in a wolfpack, completing missions based on iconic events during the different stages of german U-boat warfare between 1939 and 1945.

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Sephirothic Stories

Released on . Added in RPG Games

When the world tree begins to wane, what will become of the balance of the world? Discover the truth behind the world tree’s waning power in a fantasy RPG! Navigate trap-filled dungeons using only your mind and wit to conquer challenging puzzles!

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Released on . Added in Action Games

This is an ACT game developed by Indie team. Casual, simple but challenge. Exploring your spontaneous response, in addition, challenging your team’s ability to complete every different battle field’s mission.

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